This year, the Cleveland Catholic Worker Community remembered the cruxifiction of Jesus by walking the "Way of the Cross" through downtown Cleveland. We stopped at locations to reminded us that Christ continues to be crucified day after day. If we have the "eyes to see and the ears to hear," we will notice that the story is retold over and over all of the world, the united states, and Cleveland Oh. As March 19th was the anniversary of US attack of Iraq, this year's Way of the Cross allowed participants to reflect on our continued complicity (participation) in the war and the culture of death by our following Jesus to the torture stake. We remember that the Christ is crucified anew in Iraq, Guantanamo, and the bodies of women. But we were not left alone. There is always the Resurrection and the possibilities for conversion, tansformation and life. The final station reminded us that people all over are living as resurrected people and conquering death in their own communities
The locations:
1st Station - Federal courthouse (at Huron and Superior) - Jesus is condemned to death and
takes up his cross
2nd station - Justice Center (Ontario side between Lakeside and St. Clair) - Jesus is condemned
to death and takes up his cross;
3rd station - Federal Building at East 9th and Lakeside - Jesus is condemned to death and takes
up his cross
4th station - St. John's Cathedral (east 9th and Superior) - Jesus is condemned to death
and takes up his cross
5th Station - Public Square - Jesus is condemned to death and takes up his cross;
6th station - Market Square Park (w. 25th and Lorain) - Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies.
7th station - Whitman House - Jesus is taken from the cross and is laid in the tomb
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